Synthetic Diamonds

Synthetic Diamonds

A new tool designed by GIA, the DiamondCheck, was recently unveiled to the diamond and jewelry community with hopes to combat authenticity issues as the new synthetic diamonds enter the market. These new synthetic diamonds are almost indistinguishable from natural real diamonds. Diamond merchants crowded into the Diamond Dealers Club (DDC) in New York City in late January. Only to get up close view of the new Diamoncheck machine. This will help enable them to determine synthetic diamonds from the natural diamonds. The DiamondCheck is an infrared spectrometer that can instantly detect synthetic elements in a stone.

Chemicals in Synthetic Diamonds

The Diamond Dealers Club president, one Reuven Kaufman said of the new installation and implementation of the tool in GIA laboratories, "a momentous occasion." Whether they were created by chemical vapor deposition and high-pressure high-temperature. Or even from minerals such as the cubic zirconia. He went on to say that the machine would help" assure both themselves and their clients that their goods classify as natural or synthetic." The machine can also be found in major bourses and Tel Aviv, Johannesburg, Dubai, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Antwerp, and Tokyo. GIA senior vice president of laboratory and research, Tom Moses said the device is able to examine diamonds from 1point to 10 carats and is 100 percent accurate. The technology relies on the imaging as well as GIA's enormous database of synthetic diamonds which is built upon decades of research and millions of stones. The software allows for three labels after testing is complete: "natural, non-diamond or further lab testing or treatment for synthesis." The recommendation for further lab work does not necessarily mean that the sample is a synthetic. Most lab grown diamonds are type IIa. However, the DiamondCheck tool can also check for type Ia synthetic diamonds as well.

Synthetic Diamonds and the Diamoncheck Machine

GIA is providing one DiamondCheck machine to each bourse free of charge. On the condition that the bourses return the data from their samplings to GIA. The idea being to augment the institute's database. The additional data will enhance GIA's ability to detect synthetic diamonds in the future. Rodney Ewing, Stanford University professor and GIA board member said that the additional testing and data will expand the database will quote give us more knowledge." The machine is also available to members of the trade who wish to have a machine to detect synthetics, the price for the Diamoncheck is $23,900.  As of now, the machine has little capacity. That is because in that it can only process one loose diamond at a time. However, improvements are on the horizon.

Tainted Supply Chain and Synthetic Diamonds

Nature's process of using high-pressure high-temperature over billions of years out of carbon has been key in position diamonds the gift of not only lasts forever but also symbolize an everlasting commitment. Human-made diamonds that can found in goods labeled natural seriously challenge the integrity of the industry as well as undermine consumer confidence which is detrimental to the industry. According to Diamond Dealer Club president, Reuven Kaufman and that of the DDC itself explained that. "Dealing in synthetics is neither illegal nor unethical." What he did stress was absolute full disclosure on any item sold.

India and Synthetic Diamonds

Mehul Shah, owner of Shivani Gems in New York City and president of the Indian Diamond & Color Gemstone Association (IDCA). "it's not a huge problem now, but this could help stop it before it becomes a bigger problem. We provide diamonds to retailers all over the country. This helps us bring a level of quality assurance to our customers. It allows me to tell my customers that I've done my best to make sure they know what they purchase." With the new Diamondcheck machines stationed in various cities around the world. The goal is to provide an added measure of confidence to both diamond traders and consumers.  
synthetic diamonds vs natural diamonds synthetic diamonds vs natural diamonds
Gemological Institute of America, the foremost leader in diamond grading. Gemological Institute of America, the foremost leader in diamond grading.
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