Round Diamonds

Round Diamonds

Round diamonds are the most popular diamond shape.  The shape is also known as the round brilliant diamond.  Many diamond consumers today prefer this shape and consider it is considered to be a classic.  Round brilliant diamonds are the most reflective and shiny of diamond shapes.  Collectively, round brilliant diamonds represent the collective talents over many generations of gifted diamond and gem cutters over more the centuries.  A modern round diamond has evolved into either 57- or 58-facets.  The style of round brilliant diamonds has progressed through many stages of developments. By 1750 round diamonds had evolved into a circular face-up.  Also, it has passed through many variations in facet size and proportions.   For example, the table size, crown height, and length has changed many times throughout the years.
Round Diamonds Buying Round Diamonds in Los Angeles can be difficult. 1800 Loose Diamonds offers a large selection of loose diamond online at amazing wholesale prices.

GIA and Round Diamonds

GIA is an acronym for the Gemological Institute of America.  The Gemological Institute of America is the foremost authority in diamond and gem grading.  When the Gemological Institute of America grades round diamonds it assigns it a cut grade.  Also, they assign a polish and symmetry grade which as also very important when studying the composition of a round brilliant diamond. When buying a round diamond, one should consider buying it with the Gemological Institute of America certificate. A diamond grading report from an unbiased, scientific source such as the Gemological Institue of America is crucial.  This is because it is the passport to your diamond.  A proof of purchase and an addition in value.  Small and subtle differences in round diamonds can affect diamond value tremendously.  Moreover, many trained jewelers and diamond dealers often times cannot recognize these differences without lab verification.  Therefore it is imperative to insist before making any diamond purchases that your item come with indisputable verification of its quality.

Round Brilliant Diamond Cut Grade Origin

Marcel Tolkowsky perfected the modern round brilliant diamond cut.  In 1919 he was a young math student studying in London, England.  During this time he wrote a thesis for the perfect proportions for the round brilliant diamond.  Tolkowsky did indeed get his math correct his proportions are now known as the “Ideal Cut". From the laymen's perspective, along with those of the diamond cutters, he was able to confirm his theory on the best way to maximize brilliance when cutting a round brilliant diamond. Furthermore, Tolkowsky noted that there was a trade-off between the diamond brilliance and diamond fire that results from a variety of combinations of the crown and pavilion angles.
Round Brilliant Diamond A Round Brilliant Diamond

The Round Brilliant Diamond and Cut Grades

Round diamonds have come with 5 cut grades.  They are, excellent, very good, good, fair and lastly poor.  The dimensions of a round diamond are paramount to the brilliance of a diamond.

Round Brilliant Diamonds and Sparkle

It is a well-known industry secret that round brilliant diamonds have the most sparkle when compared to other diamonds.

Round Diamonds and Engagement Rings

Diamond engagement rings set with round brilliant diamonds are the most popular style of ring.  The round brilliant diamond offers the most sparkle and shines as well as a versatile look. The round diamond goes well with any style, the art deco style, the solitaire style, and the vintage style all use this shape of a diamond to acquire a beautiful look.  

Round Diamonds and the Rap Sheet

Round diamonds are unique in that they come on a separate price list that that of all the other shapes.  This is because the octahedral shape of the round diamond is cut into, is the rarest shape to be found in the ground.  Furthermore, the round diamond shape requires the most cutting to achieve its look. That means that they shave a significant portion of the diamonds material to give it its finish. Therefore, due to these circumstances, the round diamonds are the most expensive shape. On average a consumer can expect an almost 15-20% difference in price between the round shape and cushion cut diamond shape.  However, in rare circumstances, consumers may encounter that fancy shape diamonds are actually more expensive than their round diamond counterparts.  This is because the market is work on rarity.  Additionally, the prices for fancy shape diamonds are highly dependent on cut and availability.  Well made and rare diamonds may trade at a 10-20% premium in some case.
Round Diamonds Round diamonds and knowing Four Diamond C's are imperative to know.

The Round Diamond and Brilliance

The round diamond is the most brilliant diamond of all the diamond shapes.  This is because the round diamond has angles reflect the most light.  A modern round diamond has 57 or 58 facets.  Throughout the years a number of facets on the round diamond has evolved.  Furthermore, round diamond facets have become larger, and the cutlets smaller.  The modern round diamond also has larger star facets and lower half facets longer.  For example, if one observes an older style of round diamond, they would see a noticeable difference in the pattern of light and dark.  Whereas a contemporary round diamond does not have this pattern.
Round Diamond A Round Diamond is the most brilliant diamond shape.

The Round Diamond Vs. Princess Cut Diamonds

When comparing round brilliant diamonds to a fancy cut diamond of similar color and clarity, one will observe round diamonds almost always are more brilliant.  The princess-cut diamond, for example, is the second most popular shape after round diamonds.  The shape of the princess-cut is square or slightly rectangular. A princess-cut with the same width as the millimeter of a round diamond will weigh more in diamond carat weight. This is because it has four corners.  The square princess-cut diamond is usually less expensive than its round diamond counterpart.  This is because it retains about 80% of the rough diamond.  As opposed to that of the round diamond which requires about 50% of the rough to be cut. Furthermore, because the diamond weight is maintained, this shape popular amongst diamond cutters and thereby consumers.
Round Diamond Princess cut diamonds are the second most popular diamond shape on the market.

Round Diamonds and Fancy Cut Grades

Accredited laboratories like the American Gem Society Laboratory (AGSL) and European Gem Laboratories-USA (EGL-USA) are the only labs that currently assign a cut grade to the princess cut diamond.  However, many diamond manufacturers advertise ideal diamonds with differing faceting patterns and angles. Unlike the AGA, and EGL-USA laboratories the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has stated that there is not enough of a consensus or data to specify cut grading standards for princess cut diamonds.
Round Diamonds Round brilliant diamonds come with cut grades whereas princess cuts do not.
Round Brilliant Diamonds Round Brilliant Diamonds come in a variety of colors, sizes and clarities. GIA is the best certificate to own.
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