Online Diamond Sales

Online Diamond Sales

Retail online diamond sales from the internet have been on the rise.  Furthermore, online diamond sales continue to be an industry game changer. Online sales rose a whopping over 2011 to 42.3 billion.  Additionally, its share of sales for the year surpassed 10% mark for the first time according to comScore.  A company that tracks eCommerce growth and business. In addition, the holiday season saw 12 days with more than $1 billion in spending.  Compared to ten individual billion dollar day's in 2011.  Although the trend seems unstoppable, the general mood of the country did affect overall sales during this past holiday season.

Industry and Online Diamond Sales

Andrew Lipsman, comScore's vice president of industry analysis explained. "During the critical shopping weeks of early to mid-December, from which growth rates never fully recovered. We ended up with 14 percent, representing a shortfall of $1 billion in sales. The top online categories this year all revolved around smartphones and tablets. These devices really defined this year's shopping season. Either consumers were buying smartphones and tablets.  Or they use them to shop in such a way that it really affected the buying experience. The biggest overall trend was "showrooming," in which customers brought these devices to the stores and used all the apps that are available to compare products and shop on prices.

Scrutiny and Online Diamond Sales

Then they went home and completed the purchase online." While electronic and other mass produced items can easily be bought online with little scrutiny buying diamonds, jewelry and other big ticket items are more difficult to buy. With jewelry one must really know who they are purchasing from to trust their quality, also, many customers like to try jewelry on and feel and see their potentially expensive purchase. Lipsman goes on toe explain, "the more goods are commodity products or found widely across many retailers, the more likely the consumer is to comparison shop on price. And it's even more likely with big-ticket items because there is more money at stake. The interesting thing about jewelry is that the more unique the goods are, the less commoditized they are, the less likely the consumer is to a comparison on a shop on price. As a brick and mortar jewelry retailer, I think you are in a better position to sell that consumer something than you would be as a retailer in a lot of other product categories." Russian Diamond Trade Online Diamond Sales
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