The Importance of Functioning Jewelry Websites
The importance of functioning jewelry websites are paramount to success. Without efficient jewelry websites, a business is invisible. When you are not online you are almost nonexistent. That is the new reality of business today. The qualities of one social media platform versus another are the subject of intense and recurrent discussions. The need to have a branded website is no longer debatable, not having a website is no longer viable. Today it is how a business strengthens its relationship with its existing customers. Typically it is overwhelmingly how new customers find out about a business. This holds true for both international clients and those much closer to home.
In a Deloitte 2014 Annual Holiday Survey consumers were asked a variety of, questions. Some 72 percent of smartphone owners and 69 percent of tablet owners indicated they would be using their devices to assist them with their shopping. Respondents said that they were using their devices to find store locations, read online reviews, browse for gift ideas, check product availability, compare prices, get discounts, and yes, even make purchases.
That means that having functioning jewelry websites is as critical as having a phone number in the jewelry industry. "There are still companies that have a very low profile online," says Todd Johnson, managing director of avatar New York, a web design, e-commerce and digital marketing agency. "The ones that don't have a site are the ones you don't see." Simply put having a website makes it business viable. For the jewelry and diamond business, this is very much the case in today's market. Many established jewelry and diamond companies simply folded because they either resisted going online or simply were unable to make jewelry websites.
Jewelry Websites and Business
Many ill-informed businesses have attempted to avoid the expense and effort of creating a website by staking a claim on one social media platform or another because, for the most part, creating space on those sites is still free. The importance of a functioning website surpasses the importance of simply adding your name to a directory. Most experts insist that having a Facebook page is not enough, just one platform among many.
A website is an essential means for brand communications in the digital age." Said Mark Gale of Humaan, a design a development agency. "Social media can form part of your digital presence, but these channels on their own do not prioritize a company's brand over the brand of the social channel itself." That is why creating and maintain a well-designed website should be an essential piece of every company's marketing strategy. Consequently, a poorly designed website can be as much of an impediment to a brand's image as having a nonworking phone number.
Jewelry Websites and Mobile Design
Ryan Matzner, director and chief strategist at Fueled, a mobile design and development firm with offices in New York, Chicago, and London explains, "some business owners see that they are now serving Millennials, and those Millennials are digital natives. If there is a company that has a crappy website, Millennials will be less likely to use that company. Having a good website is part of establishing a trust with the Millennials."
Good design does not have to be expensive or elaborate. It does, however, have to make sense. "The websites gotta work," said Zachary Lazare, principal and creative director at Lazare Design, a web, print and brand strategy company based in Salt Lake City, Utah. "If it works beautifully and it seems like someone put some thought into it, and it feels organic and snappy, then that's a great website." Often times jewelry and diamond websites that do exist are neglected, uncompleted, mismanaged or simply abandoned during the construction. This can hurt your brand. Once you make the commitment to go online, the importance of a functioning jewelry website is of the utmost importance.
Jewelry Websites and Visual Appeal
The importance of functioning jewelry websites is indeed important. However, the website also must serve the purpose for which it was designed for. "Once you decide to have a website, you need to decide what its goal will be," says Johnson. He continues, "is it a landing page, in case someone finds you online? Or do you want to test out eCommerce? A website is just an extension of a business.
The point is that the internet is there to facilitate business. So how do you differentiate yourself so that you get the phone call?" One of the more obvious ways to distinguish a company online is visual. That can be through a creative use of typography, or clever videos or photography. Most importantly, the creative content must be true to the brand. Companies that are able to create well-made and visually appealing jewelry websites are able to connect with potential clients and potentially be more successful.
An example of a well-made website with prices clear and easy to see. is a perfect example of a jewelry website