ForeverMark Diamonds

ForeverMark Diamonds

ForeverMark Diamonds debuts their "ONE IN A MILLION" new ad campaign.  Moreover, they intend to captivate audiences with a new marketing scheme aimed at bringing attention to diamonds.  Furthermore, they developed a gorgeous new image to display the Forevermark Exceptional Diamond Collection.  Additionally, it is to be used in a national advertising campaign targeted at affluent consumers.

Branding and ForeverMark Diamonds

Diamond jewelry made by Forevermark Diamonds is available for to purchase online through or through authorized dealers of their brand only.  Forevermark is a diamond brand from The De Beers Group of Companies.  Moreover, their knowledge and expertise spanning more than 125 years.  Forevermark diamonds come with a promise that it is beautiful, rare and comes from an ethical source. Also, this promise is reflected by their unique inscriptions on each diamond.  Furthermore, Forevermark Diamonds maintains that less than one percent of the world’s diamonds are worthy of bearing the Forevermark inscription.

New Image

According to the company, the iconic image, "illustrates the profound transformation a diamond makes from rough stone to polished gem, with a polished diamond emerging from within the rough diamond."  Forevermark determined that this image also demonstrates the beauty of nature coupled with man’s skilled artisanship in cutting, and it symbolizes the billion-year journey that each diamond takes from deep within the earth to its final polished state. Furthermore, Forevermark Diamonds will feature the image in a print ad that will run nationally and regionally in select markets and also online.  Also, Forevermark will feature the iconic image in a print ad that will run nationally and regionally in select markets.  Also, the ad is available with two different polished visuals, an Asscher-cut diamond and a round diamond. Nationally, the ad is to appear this winter in the Robb Report (December), Elite Traveler (November/December), Elite Traveler 2013-2014 Jewelry Guide and Private Journey (Winter).

Collection Diamonds by Forevermark

The Forevermark Exceptional Diamond Collection advertises the brand's promise.  Each diamond in the collection is accompanied by a customized Journey Booklet that visually documents each step in the life of the diamond, from the rough to polished stages and includes milestone dates along the journey. The Forevermark Exceptional Diamond Collection is available at Aucoin Hart Jewelers, Bachendorf’s, Brown & Company Jewelers, London Jewelers, O.C. Tanner Jewelers, Padis Jewelry and Underwood Jewelers.
Forevermark Diamonds Forevermark Diamonds has a new marketing campaign. Type IIa Diamonds
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