Triple Excellent

  1. Diamond Price List

    Detailed information about discounts that apply to the Rapaport Price Lists can be found online on Rapaport's diamond trading networks. These discounts can also be found in their Trade Sheets which are published in their monthly magazine "Rapaport" magazine. The level to which the discount or premium is applied varies greatly, and is influenced by the many moving parts and factors of the diamond industry. These factors include stone quality and cuts, credit/memo terms, the location and type of market and the liquidity level of particular size -quality combinations. The associated risk of ownership and liquidity also play as important factors. The faster a diamond moves, or sells, the lower the discounts are to the Rapaport Price Lists. Diamonds that prove to be harder to sell in the trade are offered larger discounts. Diamonds that are high in demand, or scarce diamonds may trade at premium to the Rapaport Price Lists.
  2. Russian Diamond Jewelry

    The purpose and hope is that the marketing campaign launched by ALROSA and its subsidiaries will introduce a new brand of diamonds with an emphasis on fine makes (triple excellent cuts), brilliant material, and unique colors. Another appealing factor is that the Russians diamond industry is conflict free as well as ecologically friendly as it is regulated by the government of Russia. All these reasons lend significant credibility to their campaign.
  3. Diamond Consumers

    In fact, many Indian manufacturers specialize in cutting triple EX GIA-certified round diamonds to cater to the Chinese market, and others produce melees for sale to the jewelry manufacturers in China. Also, many Indian diamond merchants, especially those who live in Shanghai and work in SDE (Shanghai Diamond Exchange) can speak some Chinese and use local communication tools such as QQ and WeChat.

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