diamond engagement rings

  1. Diamond Cutters

    GIA standards and cutting diamonds are two separate entities that are symbiotic.
  2. Rough Diamond Production

    Reviewing Rough Diamond Production Rough diamond production increased as Rio Tinto's Argyle mine grew 6 percent year after year.  3.6 million carats of rough diamonds in addition to and 10 percent growth recorded at the Diavik mine.  Rough diamond production at the Argyle mine increased 4 percent to 14 million carats.  Especially relevant, Diavak's full year production schedule estimates an...
  3. Rough Diamond Sales

    Diamond dealers have drastically reduced their purchases from diamond cutters which has affected the overall market flow. Diamond dealers also expect that jewelry manufacturers will follow suit and not purchase new inventory for the upcoming holidays. As of July there was little rough diamond cutting and manufacturing coming into the market with plenty of polished available.
  4. Grading Diamonds

    The obvious negative ramifications of over grading and misrepresenting diamond quality to hundreds of thousands of consumers are clear; the damage to the diamond industry by the establishment, acceptance and support of a culture that promotes systematic misrepresentation of diamond quality of the outright cheating of consumers destroy the diamond trade from within Accurately Grading Diamonds preserves the trade and keeps it ethical, which is the essential to good industry practice.
  5. Hong Kong Diamond Market

    Chow Tai Fook announced a 92.3% increase in profit from year-to-year and an increase of 48.5% in revenue over the same period in 2012 and a 72.9% increase in net profit, both record highs. Chow Tai Fook Diamonds and Jewelry will be opening 118 new retail stores during the first half of the 2014 fiscal year; bringing their total amount of store locations to 1,954. The company said it will look to increase its presence in the Tier III and lower tier cities throughout China. Lukfook recently opened 110 new outlets during the same time. Bringing the number of its store locations to a total of 1,188.
  6. Diamond Jewelry Sales

    But also, we buy sharper we know what we need, we listen to our market and we know what our customers want. And if something is doing well, we say 'Thank you very much' and we part company." The underlying message being that retailers cannot afford to stock merchandise that does not do well.

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